Recognizing signs like isolation, health risks, or trouble with daily tasks can signal it's time for assisted living, where safety and community come first.
By following these strategies for discussing assisted living, families can navigate the topic more smoothly, leading to better outcomes for their aging loved ones.
When you compare assisted living with most other types of elder care, you can quickly understand the value in it and that, for what you get in support and care, it is very affordable.
One of the best caregiver options available for people of advancing years, especially those who need some support and assistance on some kind of basis is assisted living.
You keep stressing, worrying about the future of your aging parent, and wondering how things will be in just a few months. How can this year be any different?
How much support and assistance does your elderly mother or father—or other senior loved one who may benefit from assisted living—require at this stage in his or her life?
When you take a tour of a local assisted living facility, ask questions. We have focused on four key questions you’ll want to have ready to go when you take a tour — whether it’s in-person were virtual.
When you’re feeling overwhelmed as a caregiver looking after an aging parent or other loved one, assisted living may offer the respite you and they need to refresh, recharge, and regroup.
People who take on the role of a family caregiver consider it their duty to provide elderly care for a loved one. They never look at other elderly care options, including assisted living.
You might have been talking about various elder care options with your dad, and the best one is certainly an assisted living facility, but he is not interested. What can be done?