Benefits of Occupational Therapy for Seniors Who Age in Place
Physical Therapy and Healthy Aging for Seniors
Finding the Right Elder Care Services for Your Senior
It is normal for the elderly to need extra help with daily living activities and other tasks. You may need to have a conversation with your elderly loved one about the help that they need. If your elderly loved one is open to it, you may want to consider getting elder care providers to assist with these tasks. These providers have experience taking care of senior citizens. They know how to help without overstepping. If this is the route you are taking, there are tips for finding the best elderly care providers for your elderly loved one.
Is Assisted Living Responsible for Getting Residents to Eye Appointments?
As people age, they run an increased risk of dealing with certain health issues, such as vision-related problems. In fact, by the time a person reaches 80, it is nearly a certainty they will have some form of vision related problems, most commonly cataracts.
Getting Out and About at Assisted Living Isn’t Like Normal These Days
People are often talking about the ‘new normal’ in light of the shutdowns. The main focus has been to keep people healthy, especially protecting the elderly and more vulnerable population, but whether this ‘new normal’ is truly how things will operate from here on out or things go back to the way they once were (eventually), winter is here and that means a major draw to stay inside. For seniors at assisted living, they may very well be struggling to understand this new normal.