Curiosity is Good When a Senior First Moves into Assisted Living
There’s an age-old saying that goes, “Curiosity killed the cat.” This is a morbid kind of sentiment, but it derives from the idea that cats are fearless and tend to get themselves into extremely dangerous situations because of their curiosity. For humans, curiosity is a wonderful thing and can lead to amazing new opportunities to explore. When it comes to aging seniors though, they may not feel all that energetic or enthusiastic, especially about new things. They may understand the need for elderly care services but have not considered assisted living too much.

Elderly Care Five Forks SC – Curiosity is Good When a Senior First Moves into Assisted Living
Others, however, may have a natural sense of curiosity, an outgoing personality, and are willing to try new things. For somebody who is curious, who is willing to try new things and explore different options, they may look at assisted living as not the end of things, but another door to new opportunities.
That’s precisely what it’s all about. So, how might a person with a curious nature benefit from a move to assisted living, one of the best elderly care options available?
First, they will discover new activities.
Usually, staff at a quality assisted living facility will help new residents discover the activities that are available throughout the week, month, or year. Some seniors are nervous, shy, or withdrawn and will tend to stay in the room more often.
Even though staff will tell them about things going on, they may not have any interest because they have certain misconceptions about those activities. A curious person will explore and even if it’s not something they enjoy personally, they might make new friends and meet other seniors through these activities that share common interests.
Second, they will make new friends.
A person who is curious will tend to make friends more quickly than somebody who is shy and reserved. A curious person doesn’t have to be outgoing or extroverted. They can certainly be introverted, but their curiosity will overwhelm their shyness and help them keep looking at new opportunities, which will lead to new friends.
Third, they will feel more energized.
Somebody who is disinterested in just about everything going on around them will tend to mope, be withdrawn, and keep to themselves. Somebody who makes new friends tries new activities, and participates in activities they enjoy on a regular basis will tend to have more energy for life.
Keep in mind that assisted living is not about helping people at the end of their days, but maximizing quality of life for those who still have a lot of life left to live. When an aging person feels energized, they can feel younger and it will have a direct impact on their mental, emotional, and even physical well-being.
Finally, it will open doors to new opportunities provided by elderly care aides.
A person who is curious will discover things in life they never even realized were out there. Some seniors who move to assisted living finally get to explore things they had once dreamed of trying when they were children but long ago forgot about. It is truly a wonderful way to view this new life at an assisted living facility.