Looking Ahead To September
Reading Time: 2 minutes
Looking Ahead To September
Remembering 9/11:
- We will be making time the week of 9/6/21 to remember all those who died in this nation’s 9/11 tragedy. We won’t let this somber day in history be forgotten and we will celebrate all the first responders that put forth such heroic effort that day.
Grandparent’s Day is Saturday, 9/12/21:
We need your help to make Grandparent’s Day super special for our residents.
- Please gather together all the grandchildren’s drawings, handmade cards and store bought cards and send to Kari Stritch by 9/10/21.
- Kari and her team are going to gather all the “special artwork” and well-wishes for your loved one and distribute them on Grandparents Day.
- If you’re children or grandchildren would like to make some cards for those that don’t have grandchildren… it would be amazing. Kari will make sure everyone gets some kind of uplifting message/gift for this special day.
- Please put all drawings in an envelope marked with Kari’s name and drop them at the front desk.
Dementia Support Group For FAMILIES & FRIENDS:
- This will be postponed for the short term.
The Walk To End Alzheimer’s is Fast Approaching:
- For those of you that do not already know, The Springs Alzheimer’s Walk Team is called “The Springs Chickens”.
- The Greenville Walk To End Alzheimer’s is still scheduled for Saturday, 10/2/21 and we would LOVE for you to join our team and help us fundraise. Here is the link to join and once you join, please share with your friends and families. We hope you will join us in the fight against Alzheimer’s. Just type this URL address into your computer browser to join The Springs Chickens: http://act.alz.org/goto/springschickens.