It is that Time of Year to Compare your Medicare Plan
Written by Bonnie Dobbs, Senior Health Benefits Consultant

Assisted Living Simpsonville SC – It is that Time of Year to Compare your Medicare Plan
What plan changes can I make during Annual Enrollment?
Each year from October 15 to December 7 during Annual Enrollment, Medicare enrollees can make changes to their insurance plans. Changes can be made from one Advantage plan to another, from one Prescription Drug Plan (Part D) to another or drop an Advantage plan and enroll in a Part D plan or drop Part D and enroll in an Advantage plan. All plans begin January 1. Medicare Supplement plans have a different set of rules. When you first become Medicare eligible, there is no medical underwriting. After the grace period, you can change a supplement plan any month you medically qualify. This is important to remember. You cannot be in an Advantage plan and a Supplement plan at the same time.
What is Open Enrollment and what Medicare Advantage plan changes are allowed?
Open Enrollment runs from January 1 to March 31 and is a period where you can change from one Advantage plan to another. Take your Advantage plan for a test drive, try out the benefits and if you think you made a wrong decision, you can change to another Advantage plan or drop the Advantage plan and enroll in a Prescription Drug Plan and a Medicare Supplement. Remember you must medically qualify to enroll in a Medicare Supplement plan if you are past your grace period.
If you have any questions or would like a review, call us at 770-373-7541. There is never a charge for our services.
Bonnie Dobbs is a highly sought-after author, panelist and speaker on Medicare, teaching thousands online, in print and in person! The Owner and Founder of Insurance and Other Red Tape, Bonnie is a broker contracted with multiple insurance carriers and has a team of agents licensed in Georgia and many other states. www.insuranceandotherredtape.com