We’ve Got Cause for Celebration!!
We’ve Got Cause for Celebration!!
As always, I hope this finds YOU and YOUR FAMILY safe and in good health! It’s been a busy February between COVID testing, Valentine videos and vaccinations, but we have some great news to share! As of Monday, February 22nd, The Springs is once again COVID FREE.
This means that our dining room, All Day Café and Activities programing are all back at in operation. We are still required to use masks and keep the socially distanced 6 ft. apart, but everyone is SO grateful that we can now return to a more normal routine.
We have also completed our 2nd step in our #VaccinationSavesLives initiative. We conducted our 2nd COVID-19 vaccination clinic on 2/19/21 and we are excited to share that we have vaccinated 95% of our residents!
Not everyone has received BOTH vaccinations yet, but 95% of our residents have received at least one and will receive their 2nd shot on 3/19/21. This is truly AWESOME news!
We are also pleased to report that 44% of our staff have also either completed (or nearly completed) the 2-step vaccination process. These are both significant strides toward fighting the spread of this virus.
Our 3rd and final vaccination clinic will be held on Friday, 3/19/21. All residents that need their second shot will be included in this clinic. There is nothing that you need to do, as we have been keeping good records of everyone’s vaccination progress.