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Assisted Living Simpsonville SC – HOLIDAY HOME C H E C K L I S T


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Assisted Living Simpsonville SC - HOLIDAY HOME C H E C K L I S T

The holidays are a time when families come together. At CaraVita, we have been serving the Metro Atlanta community since 1998 and we always notice our phones ringing a little extra in the weeks after the holiday season. We get it! When we see our parents for the first time in weeks or months (or more), we might realize that something doesn’t feel quite right.

The good news is that it’s natural to worry about family. Maybe it’s a light bulb burnt out for months, or a broken railing ballast that never got a handyman. It doesn’t necessarily mean the sky is falling. But it does mean now is the time to bring an expert alongside your loved one to assess independence needs. Often, by ensuring that meds get taken, cooking is done safely, or that another case-specific need is met, independence can be kept for many years by simply avoiding the big, life-changing mistakes like a fall. Here’s a guideline for how things to look for on your holiday visit…

Assisted Living Simpsonville SC - HOLIDAY HOME C H E C K L I S T

Assisted Living Simpsonville SC – HOLIDAY HOME C H E C K L I S T

If you or an aging loved one is considering a move to an Assisted Living Facility for Care Services in Simpsonville SC please get in touch with the caring staff at The Springs at Simpsonville today. 864-962-8570

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